Friday, October 23, 2015

Single cell computational arithmetic

To manage single cell computational arithmetic there is a need for words as:

ugcd ( a b -- c )  unsigned-greatest-common-divisor
a and b are unsigned single cell numbers and c is their greatest common divisor.

u*mod ( a b m -- c )  unsigned-star-mod
a b m are any unsigned single cell numbers and the result is the single cell number c=a*b(mod m).

u**mod ( b a m -- c )  unsigned-power-mod
as above but where
c=b^a(mod m).

invmod ( a m -- c )  signed-invers-mod
0<a<m and m is a signed number relative prime to a. The result c is a number 0<c<m such that a*c(mod m)=1.

It should be possible to compute the numbers above for any single number arguments (in the case below in 64bit-systems):

1234567890123456789 987654321098765432 123123123123123123 u**mod  ok
. 1321916066429949  ok

The usual single number arithmetic
+ - * / */ etc. aren't powerful enough but there are standard Forth words which are:

um* ( b  a-- ud )  where a b are unsigned singles and ud is an unsigned double

um/mod ( ud u -- r q )
 where r is the rest and q is the quote

m*/ ( d a b -- d' )  where d'=d*a/b, d d' dubble cell numbers

Greatest common divisor

: ugcd 0 loc{ a b t -- c }     \ Algorithm from Wikipedia
  a b u< if a b to a to b then \ a>=b as unsigned numbers
begin b                      \ while b<>0
while b to t                 \ t <- b
a 0 b um/mod drop to b    \ b <- a(mod b)
t to a                    \ a <- t
repeat a ;

: ugcd ( a b -- c )     \ a version without local variables
2dup u< if swap then  \ smallest of a b on top of stack (tos)
?dup 0= if exit then  \ return second value if tos is zero
begin tuck            \ y x y  first time b a b
0 swap um/mod      \ y x 0 y --> y r q
drop dup 0=        \ y r [r=0]
until drop ;          \ y

The word
um/mod has the stackdiagram ( ud u -- r q ) and is used above to calculate a(mod b). The single unsigned number a is converted to a double by putting a zero on the top of a. The word ?dup duplicates the top of stack if it isn't zero.

Modular multiplication

: u*mod ( u1 u2 u3 -- u4 )
  >r r@ umod swap r@ umod um*
  r> um/mod drop ;

Here m is stored in the return stack:

>r ( a -- )  tos is popped from stack and pushed to r-stack
r> ( -- a )  r-stack is popped and a is pushed to the parameterstack
r@ ( -- a )  a copy of a is pushed on parameterstack without popping

Modular exponentiation

Below lshift ( m i -- n ) n=m*2^i and rshift ( m i -- n ) n=m/2^i
are standard words and log~ is defined (bits gives the maximal number of bits in one cell):

cell 8 * constant bits

: log~ ( n -- nr )      \ nr = 1+²log n
bits here !           \ bits is stored at the address 'here'
bits 0                \ do-loop from i=0,...,bits-1
do 1 rshift ?dup 0=   \ shift tos at right test if zero
if i 1+ here !     \ if zero store i+1 at 'here'
leave           \ and leave the loop
loop here @ ;

: u**mod loc{ b a m -- x }
  1                     \
preparation for repeated multiplication
  a log~ 0              \ n 0  n is the number of binary digits in a
  ?do a 1 i lshift and  \ flag  the i-th digit of a is 0/1
     if b m u*mod       \ multiply if flag
     then b dup m       \ square b for each i: b b^2 b^4 b^8 ...
     u*mod to b         \ new squared number to b
  loop ;                \ result of the repeated multiplication

The algorithm is called square-and-multiply:

The ?do-loop differs from do-loop in that there is an initial check with ?do, while with do the calculation between do and loop always is done at least once.

Modular inverse

: invmod ( a m -- a' )  \ a m must be coprime
  dup 1 0 loc{ a m v b c -- a' }
  begin a
  while v a / >r
     c b s>d c s>d r@ 1 m*/ d- d>s to c to b  \
old c become new b
     a v s>d a s>d r> 1 m*/ d- d>s to a to v  \ old a become new v
  repeat b m mod dup to b 0<
  if m b + else b then ;

The words s>d and d>s converts between single and double signed integers.

1234567890123456789 123123123123123133 2dup ugcd . 1  ok
2dup invmod dup . 94365978201029936 ok
swap u*mod . 1 ok

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