(x1,y),(x2,y)∈f ⇒ x1=x2 and x∈A ⇒ ∃y∈B: (x,y)∈f.
Some definitions:
\ remove brackets of object at top of stack
: unfence zst> drop ;
: domain \ (A,B,R) -- A
unfence zdrop zdrop ;
unfence zdrop zdrop ;
: codomain \ (A,B,R) -- B
unfence zdrop znip ;
unfence zdrop znip ;
: rel \ (A,B,R) -- R
unfence znip znip ;
unfence znip znip ;
The set of all elements in the codomain that is related to some element in the domain:
\ y∈image(R) ⇔ ∃x:(x,y)∈R
: image \ R -- s
{ foreach ?do unfence zst> zst> drop loop } ;
{ foreach ?do unfence zst> zst> drop loop } ;
The set of all elements in the domain that is related to some element in the codomain:
\ x∈coimage(R) ⇔ ∃y:(x,y)∈R
: coimage \ R -- s
{ foreach ?do unfence zst> drop zst> loop } ;
{ foreach ?do unfence zst> drop zst> loop } ;
The image of a relation restricted to a subset s of the domain:
: subimage \ R s -- s'
zst yst setmove
{ foreach
?do unfence zst> zst> yst zst setcopy smember 0=
if drop then
loop } yst setdrop ;
The coimage of a relation restricted to a subset s of the codomain:
zst yst setmove
{ foreach
?do unfence zst> zst> yst zst setcopy smember 0=
if drop then
loop } yst setdrop ;
The coimage of a relation restricted to a subset s of the codomain:
: subcoimage \ R s -- s'
zst yst setmove
{ foreach
?do unfence zst> zst> yst zst setcopy swap smember 0=
if drop then
loop } yst setdrop ;
Test if a relation (A,B,R) is a function:
zst yst setmove
{ foreach
?do unfence zst> zst> yst zst setcopy swap smember 0=
if drop then
loop } yst setdrop ;
Test if a relation (A,B,R) is a function:
: func? \ -- flag | (A,B,R) --
unfence znip
zst yst setmove true
begin zst@
while zsplit zst> yst zst setcopy >zst zfence
subimage cardinality 1 = 0=
if 0= zdrop yst setdrop exit then
repeat zdrop yst setdrop ;
Evaluate f(x):
unfence znip
zst yst setmove true
begin zst@
while zsplit zst> yst zst setcopy >zst zfence
subimage cardinality 1 = 0=
if 0= zdrop yst setdrop exit then
repeat zdrop yst setdrop ;
Evaluate f(x):
>zst zfence subimage unfence zst> ;
Making a ordered pair or triplet of the top bundles:
: pair \ s1 s2 -- (s1,s2)
zswap zst@ 2 - zswap zst@ 2 - + 1- >zst ;
: triplet \ s1 s2 s3 -- (s1,s2,s3)
zrot zst@ 2 - zrot zst@ 2 - zrot zst@ 2 - + + 1- >zst ;
The composition of two relations (A,B,R) and (B,C,S) is the relation (A,C,SR) defined by
(a,c)∈SR ⇔ ∃b∈B:(a,b)∈R & (b,c)∈S.
: composition \ (A,B,R) (B,C,S) -- (A,C,SR)
0 >xst \ empty set on xst-stack
unfence zrot zdrop zrot unfence \ C S A B R
zst yst setmove zdrop zswap \ C A S
zst yst setmove \ R S in yst
zswap zover zover cartprod \ A C A×C
begin zst@ \ while elements in top set
while zsplit infence
yzcopy1 zover zsplit znip subcoimage
zst xst setmove
yzcopy2 zover zsplit zdrop unfence subimage
xst zst setmove intersection zst@ zdrop
if unfence unfence zst> unfence >zst -5 >zst zfence
xst zst setmove zetmerge zst xst setmove
else zdrop
repeat zdrop yst setdrop yst setdrop
xst zst setmove triplet ;
zswap zst@ 2 - zswap zst@ 2 - + 1- >zst ;
: triplet \ s1 s2 s3 -- (s1,s2,s3)
zrot zst@ 2 - zrot zst@ 2 - zrot zst@ 2 - + + 1- >zst ;
The composition of two relations (A,B,R) and (B,C,S) is the relation (A,C,SR) defined by
(a,c)∈SR ⇔ ∃b∈B:(a,b)∈R & (b,c)∈S.
: composition \ (A,B,R) (B,C,S) -- (A,C,SR)
0 >xst \ empty set on xst-stack
unfence zrot zdrop zrot unfence \ C S A B R
zst yst setmove zdrop zswap \ C A S
zst yst setmove \ R S in yst
zswap zover zover cartprod \ A C A×C
begin zst@ \ while elements in top set
while zsplit infence
yzcopy1 zover zsplit znip subcoimage
zst xst setmove
yzcopy2 zover zsplit zdrop unfence subimage
xst zst setmove intersection zst@ zdrop
if unfence unfence zst> unfence >zst -5 >zst zfence
xst zst setmove zetmerge zst xst setmove
else zdrop
repeat zdrop yst setdrop yst setdrop
xst zst setmove triplet ;
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