{ 1 1000 | prime } ok
{ 1 1000 | pairprime } { 1 1000 | notpairprime } union ok
zet= . -1 ok
Conditions so far are
: all dup = ;
: odd 1 and ;
: 1mod4 4 mod 1 = ;
: 3mod4 4 mod 3 = ;
: sqr dup sqrtf dup * = ;
: sqrfree dup radical = ;
: pairprime dup prime over 2 + prime rot 2 - prime or and ;
: notpairprime dup prime swap pairprime 0= and ;
: semiprime bigomega 2 = ; \ A product of two primes?
: uniprime smallomega 1 = ; \ Only divisional by one prime?
: biprime smallomega 2 = ; \ Exact two different primes?
The construction { 1 10000 | pairprime } is fancy but slow and risk overflow in data stack. All the pairprimes in the intervall will first be created on the stack and then be moved to the zst-stack. It's better to check number for number and create the set directly on the zst-stack.
: odd 1 and ;
: 1mod4 4 mod 1 = ;
: 3mod4 4 mod 3 = ;
: sqr dup sqrtf dup * = ;
: sqrfree dup radical = ;
: pairprime dup prime over 2 + prime rot 2 - prime or and ;
: notpairprime dup prime swap pairprime 0= and ;
: semiprime bigomega 2 = ; \ A product of two primes?
: uniprime smallomega 1 = ; \ Only divisional by one prime?
: biprime smallomega 2 = ; \ Exact two different primes?
The construction { 1 10000 | pairprime } is fancy but slow and risk overflow in data stack. All the pairprimes in the intervall will first be created on the stack and then be moved to the zst-stack. It's better to check number for number and create the set directly on the zst-stack.
: intcond \ low hi xt -- | -- s "intervall condition"
loc{ xt }
swap 0 -rot
do i xt execute
if i >zst 1+ then
loop 2* negate >zst ;
utime 1 100000 ' pairprime intcond utime cr d- d. cardinality .
-35954 2447 ok
A set of 2447 primes is created in about 0.04 seconds. This construction is also possible to use in definitions, then using ['] instead of '.
To filtrate a set on the zst-stack:
loc{ xt } 0
do zst> dup xt execute
if >xst 1+ else drop then
loop dup 0
do xst> >zst
loop 2* negate >zst ;
{ 1 100 | prime } ' 1mod4 setcond cr zet.
{5,13,17,29,37,41,53,61,73,89,97} ok
It's also nice to be able to create the image of a function:
loc{ xt }
swap 2dup
do i xt execute >zst
loop - 2* negate >zst
set-sort reduce ;
: setimage \ xt -- | s -- s' "set image"
loc{ xt } 0
do zst> xt execute >xst 1+
loop dup 0
do xst> >zst
loop 2* negate >zst
set-sort reduce ;
Functions so far are:
log~ ( n -- nr ) where nr=1+²log n
random ( u1 -- u2 ) where 0≤u2<u1
nextprime ( numb -- prime )
nextprime ( numb -- prime )
prevprime ( numb -- prime )
sqrtf ( m -- n ) "floor"
sqrtc ( m -- n ) "ceiling"
radical ( n -- r )
totients ( n -- t )
bigomega ( n -- b )
smallomega ( n -- s )
ufaculty ( u -- u! )
pnr@ ( n -- p ) prime number n
ufaculty ( u -- u! )
pnr@ ( n -- p ) prime number n
pi ( x -- n ) number of primes ≤ x
Functions and conditions both must have the stackdiagram ( m -- n ), but the concept will be generalized.
1 20 ' radical intimage zet. {1,2,3,5,6,7,10,11,13,14,15,17,19} ok
Some test functions:
: square dup * ; \ x → x²
: sqr>prime square nextprime ; \ x → nextprime(x²)
: sqr<prime square prevprime ; \ x → prevprime(x²)
: foo dup totients mod ; \ x → x(mod ϕ(x)) Euler's totient.
: sqr>prime square nextprime ; \ x → nextprime(x²)
: sqr<prime square prevprime ; \ x → prevprime(x²)
: foo dup totients mod ; \ x → x(mod ϕ(x)) Euler's totient.
{ 1 100 | all } ' foo setimage cr zet.
{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,21,22,23,25,27,31,33,35,39} ok
1 100 ' square intimage ' foo setimage cr zet.
Hmm, it seems like all odd primes less than 100 belongs to the image...
1 10000 ' square intimage ' foo setimage ok
1 10000 ' prime intcond ok
zswap diff zet. {2} ok
So I asked Mathematics stack exchange about it. (:
Well, it might be sound to expect non dramatic explanations to conjectures, especially conjectures concerning primes.
To check relations n R m there is a need for testing subsets of Cartesian products, sets of pairs of integers.
: paircond \ xt -- | s -- s'
loc{ xt } 0
do zdup zet> drop xt execute
if zst xst setmove 1+ else zdrop then
loop 6 * negate >xst
xst zst setmove ;
{ 1 10 | all } zdup cartprod ' = paircond cr zet.
{(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4),(5,5),(6,6),(7,7),(8,8),(9,9)} ok
: pairimage \ xt -- | s -- s'
loc{ xt } 0
do 1+ zet> drop xt execute >xst
loop dup 0
do xst> >zst
loop 2* negate >zst
set-sort reduce ;
{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,21,22,23,25,27,31,33,35,39} ok
1 100 ' square intimage ' foo setimage cr zet.
{0,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,20,23,27,28,29,31,37,41,43,44,47,52,53,59,61,67,68,71,73,76,79,80,83,89,92,97,105,112,116,124,125,148,164,172,176,180,188,189,208,243,252,272,304,320,343,368,385,396,429,448,468,500,585,704,720,825,945,969,1008,1105,1197,1280,1309,1372,1540,1620,1701,1725,1729,1785,2185,2187,2625,2697,3069,3861} ok
1 10000 ' square intimage ' foo setimage ok
1 10000 ' prime intcond ok
zswap diff zet. {2} ok
So I asked Mathematics stack exchange about it. (:
Well, it might be sound to expect non dramatic explanations to conjectures, especially conjectures concerning primes.
To check relations n R m there is a need for testing subsets of Cartesian products, sets of pairs of integers.
: paircond \ xt -- | s -- s'
loc{ xt } 0
do zdup zet> drop xt execute
if zst xst setmove 1+ else zdrop then
loop 6 * negate >xst
xst zst setmove ;
{ 1 10 | all } zdup cartprod ' = paircond cr zet.
{(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4),(5,5),(6,6),(7,7),(8,8),(9,9)} ok
loc{ xt } 0
do 1+ zet> drop xt execute >xst
loop dup 0
do xst> >zst
loop 2* negate >zst
set-sort reduce ;
{ 2 10 | all } zdup cartprod ' * pairimage cr zet.
{4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15,16,18,20,21,24,25,27,28,30,32,35,36,40,42,45,48,49,54,56,63,64,72,81} ok
Some conditions and functions N²→N are =, <>, <, >, >=, <=, +, *, /, mod, **, ugcd, -, invmod, legendre, jacobi, kronecker, gnorm, choose, where m ≥ n for m n - and m n must be coprime for m n invmod. the gnorm of two integers m n is the norm of the gaussian integer m+in, that is the number m²+n².
: coprime ugcd 1 = ;
: divide swap mod 0= ;
{ 1 10 | all } zdup cartprod ' coprime paircond cr zet.
{(1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5),(1,6),(1,7),(1,8),(1,9),(2,1),(2,3),(2,5),(2,7),(2,9),(3,1),(3,2),(3,4),(3,5),(3,7),(3,8),(4,1),(4,3),(4,5),(4,7),(4,9),(5,1),(5,2),(5,3),(5,4),(5,6),(5,7),(5,8),(5,9),(6,1),(6,5),(6,7),(7,1),(7,2),(7,3),(7,4),(7,5),(7,6),(7,8),(7,9),(8,1),(8,3),(8,5),(8,7),(8,9),(9,1),(9,2),(9,4),(9,5),(9,7),(9,8)} ok
{ 1 10 | all } zdup cartprod ' divide paircond cr zet.
{(1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5),(1,6),(1,7),(1,8),(1,9),(2,2),(2,4),(2,6),(2,8),(3,3),(3,6),(3,9),(4,4),(4,8),(5,5),(6,6),(7,7),(8,8),(9,9)} ok
{ 1 10 | all } zdup cartprod ' coprime paircond ' gnorm pairimage cr zet.
{2,5,10,13,17,25,26,29,34,37,41,50,53,58,61,65,73,74,82,85,89,97,106,113,130,145} ok
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